Excuse Meister
Over the years, I've heard the craziest excuses and lies come from grown men!! I have raised 3 children and haven't heard excuses so elaborate.
I could go into great detail discussing one employee, but I'm only allowed max of 500 words. In short concerning that grown man, I hope his hands someday grow bigger so he can hold the set of irons (Excuses!!!) .
I will focus on another individual that had an excuse that is definitely at the top of my crazy excuse list.
Engine was called for area coverage to Franklin Fire Station. Crew of 3 traveling routine to the station, around 20:00. It was dark and began to rain during our response. After a couple minutes of waiting, I told the driver to turn the windshield wipers on so WE can see.
After using what I call the " feeling up the dash" method, I finally told him to stop the engine. His immediate response after stopping the engine was " I'm telling on you, your delaying our response" I informed him that we have to safely arrive and at this moment we are traveling unsafely.
I then asked him again to turn on the wipers, still feeling up the dash, our jump seat FF attempted to help, I asked him to let the driver figure it out.
After a minute or so, the driver replied "I don't think this engine was ordered with windshield wipers".
The driver was switched out with my jump seat FF.
At the Franklin Station, I had the FF explain to me why he doesn't know where the wiper switch is. His reply was " its never been raining during my morning truck checks, so I never gave it any thought).
I didn't allow him the privilege of driving back to CCFD. I immediately took action and through our Captain, requested that he no longer be the FAO until he knows the engine thoroughly. That didn't sit well with the FF. In the end, not only was his knowledge improved, but my confidence in the FF improved.
I used that crazy night as a WOW moment as an officer, its always assumed that a grown man is and should be responsible enough to be the best he can be in this profession. From that point on, random quizzes occurred with other FAO's on various Engine operation or location of equipment.